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Retail In Lockdown

Since the introduction of COVID-19, the retail sector has been hit hard.

Published: Thursday April 18th, 2024 01:04pm

Packaging, brand, ecommerce, online customer service, photography

Most retail landlords are saying that they expect permanent changes to how retail properties are leased with businesses now having their footfall and trading performance monitored by the property owner. As a ?non- essential’ industry, footfall is decreasing, and further stores could be the next on the chopping block.

Furthermore, research from National Statistics has found that stores are generally 10% down on sales compared to pre-COVID-19 data. The Highstreet has found itself in quite the predicament!

Alas, not all is lost, online retail has been affected in the completely opposite way from these lockdowns!

Businesses have started to become more creative in the ways in which they sell and reengage customers while enforcing social distancing. With sales being up by almost half since the start of 2020, setting up shop online has been one of the most effective saving graces for business’s revenue. Online you don’t have to physically be near anyone, and it can be a much more effective way to shop. With filters and search bars, people can be directed straight to the products they want. But obviously there are always hurdles that you need to look out for/ be aware of.

It is always key, however, to keep up with the ever changing Coronavirus Guidelines for how to keep safe during this time.

Staying safe and being sensible is the only way we, as a nation, will be able to keep the economy going and eventually go back to a version of normality. Naturally moving online means that you can protect those that are vulnerable or at higher risk. The ways in which we adapt, and grow is what will really attract loyal customers and word-of-mouth traffic.

Being a creative agency that specialises in website building and helping brands to grow in creative ways, we have set up this new blog series ?Retail in Lockdown’ to help small business to set up shop online, effectively. We have trawled through pages of terms and conditions, trends, articles and our own industry knowledge to correlate all the information we feel you would need when considering important decisions such as which ecommerce websites to sell on, packaging trends, photography, and the hidden fees you may come across. Taking these topics into consideration will allow you to build your brand and keep your business growing without the need for a physical store.

It all sounds very serious, but this could be a really exciting and profitable venture! 

Wanna take a sneak peek at what content we have in store for this blog series?

Building Your Brand Branding is Everything! So, we thought we should let you know how you can use and utilise brand guidelines, personalisation, aesthetics and more to really build your brand.

Set up Shop- Where to Sell Online With so many marketplaces and website building tools to choose from, it can be hard to know where to set up shop! Therefore, we have dissected which ecommerce sites could be the most beneficial for you and all their sellers' fees!

Advertising and Marketing Your Business (How different ecommerce websites can help or hinder you) After covering the fees and general value of becoming a seller on the same marketplaces, we thought you would also like to know which ones can offer you the best help with marketing and advertisement.

Direct Traffic Back to Your Website Following the same vein of thought, these same marketplaces all have their own rules and regulations on how much marketing you can do for your own website. This blog covers how you can direct traffic to your personal website when you also have an account on an ecommerce site.

Master Online Customer Service Although the customer may not always be right, their opinion means everything. In this blog we supply our top tips on how to always provide excellent customer service online and even how to leverage negative feedback in your favour.

Packaging Ideas, Make it an Experience If you want returning customers, then your product packaging needs to supply a great, unique experience every time. With our industrial packaging expertise, we know the latest trends, functionality and how to add those personal flourishes. We want to share with you how implementing innovative packaging can boost sales and returning customers.

Product Photography Often when just starting out, photography can seem like the least important part of the consumer experience. However, the quality of product photography massively affects how eye catching and appealing your products will be to your customers. Therefore, we break down exactly why professional photography can be a crucial part of marketing and advertising your products.

This blog series has been made specifically with the aim of helping small businesses but can be helpful for businesses of any size or just those who are looking to start up. If you need any further assistance from us, you are always welcome to contact our team.

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